Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: POR 42 PO1 The Ohio and Eris canal traYernCB this cO. Genesee river on the shore uf lake Ontario greatest hreadth and neaf the western POR 500 illage 1070 Wayne border; and within the suminit utS. Waterloo, etands OFY that work above the Atlanci, fies dus grd bay harbor at for the lake head of veesels and navigation Bgreesbly has. PORTAGE rising n Hancock CO. lock ing sources with thoee of situatod. good road leade Clyde on fork 11 faumea Formet snoieunu the esnal, 11 creaks which unite Wood cO. put curving PORT KENT village Cheaterfield, Psooi Sand CE tr wiich latter it co. N L Keesevills, Sab CUFYES more estrd. finilly failing into iriver, Plattsburgh, Lake Cham. Erie atter an entire compa ative plain, has good harbor, with store: and uf 50 mB The of Portage Lies docks, and serves landin ...