Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | windowpane OCR: in length. This buiiling BUA cumple ROVIDENCE CO. nunded hy Nnrfn]k ted Bnd 1E00 $130,000. There are and Worcester cus Eristol county 14 churches some ot which sre ir fine taste, Kent co. 1arl river Theto are AL3O stato ho!so, the Deater and he linc of Conn W about 17 me. iasylum [far tho poor the building occupied broad by 20 long, containing about 080 sqUaTe the Friend's boarding schaol, ard LWD state miles and It has AT the irregular largost uno turiace n and the is thera jedifices ara be all of longing brick an Brown the three latter Uaiversity are Eome parte tough most of the rocks tinely located vr commanding emi- ar primitive witi sone tranaition Incnce. Providence wall situated for co limeatone. The ROil most [avnrah]s thime rciat en: ierprise an interna l improvements and fruis th ...