ocr: QUE 437 QUE nuca alate, biack limestone, &c., and green; hills, and on Conn. r. nut trces and oak: : pop. fluate of lime has been discovered. Birch, - 1830, 1,510. beech. maple, and some hemlock, grow on the! QtAKERTOWN, p-v. in the northwestern part army and evacuate tho eity of N. Y. In this of Bucks co. Pa. 38 ma. N. N. W. Phil. Itisa he was favored by a thick mist, and tha dila- neat sinall village, in a single streetalong the toriness of the enemy, Queen's co. long re- main road: pop. about 200. mained in the possession of the British pop. QUANTICO, creek and p-o. in the northwstrn. 1820, ...