Labels:book | daily | earth | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Ridge overcoming upward: f 006 fall in abova Richmond Width of canal feet, 244 ms, fallo the channel Danville depth of water 3 feet and expener 623, navi gation wan {Nov 182B 295 fall overcome T071 feet. the re- improved, as to adrit mixed seres of snecti date- in TOrOYd's treatise cor- locl Kg aluiceg and side euts, regular zavi rect. this, in proportion t magnitude waR the gation into Rockingham CO N the vil- most axecuted work kind lage Lcal keavillo 152 m6y following the perior rmed in the 11 Additional expendi- beuds the Expenditures of the Roan- ture January, 1828 swelled the amoun of oke companies to Nav 1826, 341 83 Nov expense to 8637 607 aetion canal to 1828 305 .991 carry a navigation along James through uuoigation ecat the Appmachiuni the Blue Rid gap. commenceo i 1824 Uoder ih ...