Labels:book | daily | earth | reckoner | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: the Raritan AF MN Brunswick and on the Yalley of Rock kaway across the Delaware Bordentowa. It the fine aqueduct mE bive Patterson, thro' valley of the Raritan, Millstone and Stony Boomiield, wark. The inclined plane brook and, crossing the awrSncE M end. Newark feet long rising more OWR to the valiey of the Assnnpink along the thar 0 feet, and has dauble lire of tracks valley of that sroam Trenton. and thence [on euch whieh a with eighi wheels, dowl the river (CrOBBing the sanpinl by [latge enough to receive boat. This ar aqueduct,}to the point where Crosswick's car i connected tc machine tumed by er comes ints the Dela iwarc a Bordento wn [water whee!. feet diamster, 1t and tons The length of the cana 4 H. the ele- chail 3:rong enough suppor above tide water but 56 f nasses boat be Tised ...