Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky OCR: RAY 466 RFA RARITAN LANDING, Miudieser Lard. King Philip, Metacom, bad tishin- the hent tide on Raritan tive station here. Iron manufactured i1 ms Brupawick There Tes various oails bars, hollow bridge the Pop. 1830, 1,200. RARITAN, south branch, riYer N rises AYEVILLE p-. Henry co Ind. p-t. Budd's pord Schooley' mouutain, Mur- mS by Indianopolis CO. Sack aSunoY plaine, and runs Wilke? Geo. by p-r.5 German vailey Clinton Flemington. &C. E. Miliedgeville. to junction with the north branch mile: READFILD Kenncbec Me, 3omer rille M Auguyta, smali town ofirregular form ARITAN north branch rises ms. croseed by long pond, whose form. Morristown villar Morris county, andj jthe principal upper stream of Cobbes eecon partly in Bucka AQLNE piains, an runs throughp POP 1830 88 Bomeract CD. TS ita june ...