Labels:book | cabinet | daily OCR: RIC belnw and form Fawcatucl The tow ig beautiful proportions and co sding we]l supplied with milE seate some which sition has 160 an ndvanta standing .rc occupied by manulactories. Pop 1830 alone eal t1e capital are also the other 1,363 public buildings for legal and political pur- RICHMOND co which embraces Sta- poses. The mublie squarr ip feres in ex ten Lounded bt ewar and and sel with Ruhatantial iron the Kills IIudson or the Narrowe ho- railing Richmond the Presbyterints, tweon the outer and inner of MON ork Eniscopalinte Xontista M ethodists, ricnde, Raritan bay B and Staten Island sound Roman Catholicg and of th churches have their one plnes caller] centre of itis 1 me. nt public worship city m long theM [opuuenta] church belonging to the Epis- ard the greatest breadth me contrina ...