Labels:book | cabinet | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: 476 ROC ical linit. L differene urable lavat, ROHELT: STORY and p-o. Shelby cO. Ky. tr least 000'2 fect and no WO U p.r 20 ma Frank fort gions tl earth i:an differ ir every feature Benufort diatrict note than to the truly beautiful Hills and 90 mA. watrd Charleston, and 160 aies on ench side ft Appaluchian chaine, Cotumbin frou stugnant pEIT: level plains ROBES ON eo bounded bv Richmond towarde the Atlantic Along the Cumberland and N. Faer Fork of Roanoke cotnnences, advatcing from umbe'r river separating fruu Bladen the profitalle cultir vation ot cotton, the Lurber river sevarating from Columtia tree begins tu rice can be produced Marion distriet W. prR Marlboro and in jatuuns EFIC advance toward tie ro llistrict Length from a 50 me. pics 1 an very distinctly eeer on ege. mean breadth 22 ...