Labels:book | daily | earth | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: SA 487 tine ot hat co. croaaed N. and Madison CO. occupi .. point strenm fowing into Sohasticook tween the and TA. and approacha. Tain forming, the boundar this the form iriangle : the hypothenuse t0: Pop. 1830 990. test length 52 me aiong the general ns LIAN'S p.t Pue at jus Montpeli klin er along course the Montgomery latter stream 113. ares about perpendicular 500 Burlington, cntreal aituated on Alban'e bay ba. #u 7 long 130 Ch :mplain hendsome glope com. Gen ra] alope the Chief tow'n Saint meneing about from the shore The Char 3,970 1830 30 01 the villaj gularly taid out CRAI and at jue. Charles the pnblic edifice: built ahout cen Co situated on the lett bank quare the buildings acndeny St principally com- chiruhes onent the town posed one lonp street beran th revolutionary the war. go ...