Labels:book | daily | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: SAN 500 SAN direction AIN TIA. aeparrtinp I.o. near the main road from Baltimore to Rock and Cabell from Law ville 28 me. the former rence, and Greenup cos, Ky. to iu final the latter place, and 19 nearly due influx int0 Ohit opposito Burlington, adincent country peculiarly Sandy itusaell and well healthful and pleasant. and is clerated abova tos. agauming direction tidr water about 450 to 5 faet de. pierce Cumberland chain entera Ky.. rives name from epririg. and afte ttavereing Pike and Fioyd couptie ND! PRING par of Aiam cO bende the nthrd and joins East Saody p.1 1 ma athrd Columbua Lawrence cO. The valley Sandy NDI VELE. nurthcnatern 1 BDL that Ton Licking that cara ERA co P-T. 117 nS. q'N Co. of "Ohin yandot Great Keuhiwe lumhus ahont tong mean width NPORD, York co ms. 45 and ,500 89 ...