Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: SPE 53 SPO SPAFFORD, p.t Ouonde countv lie!u, and 950) thave Boston harbor On a tilE : WY. Onoudaga, 1 Hone lics routc tor canal between those two 2 Cortlandt county, a Cayuga cuunty Fointa thia was tlie gummit level Pop, 1830. OY Skaneat ttles Lkc The Burface mriod 1,618. SPENCEL and jus. Tioga coanty with rich Ai bearing marlo beech bass &C Slopes rapidly ico the val. 100 m by Athny, and 18 of which liea partly En thia towt The Ovego, hes Cavuta the line, and ond in]et of Oisco lake forms part of the line which gives rise to Catetant creek with anl there are smafler strcanIs First Cayuga inler The surfacs and soil are aettled about from the Lates Pop riuus. Pop. 1830 278 1890 SPENCUA Davic lson county. SP ANIH GROYE t1.v, Mtckleubirg county p-r 02 m3 Ralcigh. J mila Richmond. SPENCER bou ...