Labels:book | cabinet | daily | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: STA 526 STA acres cana from thia to Winnipiseogee 12 and area 240 ms. Burtace hilly. Chief iake distant. hae been proposed towl Fulnouth Pop 1320 9,517 18J4 Gralton Ft. the outlet of 96 CIONROA par #olderness, and FI[ into 'cmigewn 3set ta. 76ms. littlo F Rich- SOUAM village, Gloucester, Essex coanty rond OEL the er ot Capo Ann has an FFORD aprings wstm pnrt Staf Icellen and convenient harhor posu- ford V lation devatrd to fishing and commerce AOVIL Orange Co. SQU AXAONICK, LP Rocheuter StraFora STAII ER'S, P-O. Lehigh t:0 co. athe fal of Cocheco atthrd Allentown, the CQ. Su bay Darex co. EREN on the STALI L.INQ'y store ad MDntoe co.Ge thtte Dape AnJ opositr Glowerster har- 43 ms Mifledgeville. bor, wit} which it connected short STAMFORD Benningt tor CO. caual which crosne thc isthmus of t ...