Labels:book | cabinet | daily | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: R hy rated city in 1825 When Mr. John Iee #1] Tuek aton IS separating i from Caroline, Williams published hit 0 Flori. it Michael's bay, hepnra iting 11 from da. in 182 he estimated nopulation a Queen Ante and Pnd Cheeapen BOD Ho observos towns America bny Lergth trom me uea hay inerea more rapidls and pupdation width and 250 Extending u and inprovement continue without aly abata- lat. from fram go 47 2 380 56 This and in CO. long ment chnrming place IETHEt of in tesidence. few years though brenme it will rEa] peninsula belv e Choptn nk and Che- probably never be place of great commer- Pipeake bay: yu ignill into three mi- cial importanec. Pr-ninailas Trendlaven St. M TALLAFOOSA Goo. put: Ala. rispa in bavs .11 little dsclivity existe the Chero's territory, anil h: northwes:- ta c .389. an ...