Labels:daily | reckoner | sky OCR: on'y CrCOkH ot wor.e a tir talles sly Eelwecu insvi:le York docs H0rxet!: s. wieth, o4,00 suare cily uluost har The shore lincd ma. givingen crire the whot walley Iwiin the risoN of 15,85} sgiate Geographically. the halrt hindsoune swell: from the water. Tombighee valley extends from 1at 310 TOYPE INSYILLE, A- sL. jus Monoc CO 140 5 frul long fron nc 4 sitnated on the pxire eme hoal of Dig the Yazoo, anl jBarron river L8 milc: henstward Nash- Hatcheo Ten Coost.. Cahawha ville anl 1.14 ms. littla Alabama nni thosc ofPenri] Franktort H6 43 long 36 river untd Paseagoula ToN AWANTA creek, rinef u TOMtINSON'S, 0-1 the 1 roid, All0. county, an:! fowing between river t anl and ghany CO. P-T ma. 39t 20 I1.. t> wetre Caunberlany, Te! Inlis intn Ningart 12 N. Rnifalo. miclie (ran) istand!, TOMOKA zt ...