Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | silver screen | sky OCR: TRI 551 TRO a14 boats far up tnin the stote Ten is and afords counmunitation with an oxtensive tight annled Triangle, perpetulicular from aud fertile coun vielling rrait, lumber, jthe Ifn. Hine nue fnn wiith and anthrao: tc caal &C ingc eteamboats [arca 512 Extonding in Hat. irom 350 up cept froa Philadelphin a8 this pluce, The ex. bed 13 to 36e The in iong wreatern [101 IN LK .r: CTBAl 110 who?1 the IHTEM is of uya riveT here : covcred with round stones in northerl circetion by Cumborl: T. which taken in great quantities ta Phila- and the eastern crainel the 1allrT delphia tor aad supplied the the by the Delawarn fpring} 1820. jstream by $74 Little 1830. river. 5.9 Chict Cadiz Pop foods yearly The feecer Raritan canal cnters the city fron 20 m3 TRMEJK3 IRON 14.2 WORKS liitic p.nd 2 p.O. " ...