Labels:book | daily | earth | reckoner | sky | tree OCR: river rcmarkabie fenture an chain is the fact, that very Tw Falls Sail district so extensive foupd in its In statc 1 the At. the Lnited Etates, i of marked lantie evatea syatem section. rose Of perhapa the the central and moat exiended l- rmist palachian forest both Ualer sides the ot the great main contintous forest thut existed the uhuin ayer also 1n elevated vallies. earth. From the Atlaatic haret table iands the s0i5 Dife tard for ita the {with w exceptions spread count and ailows ie choicc af objects less millions ot trees, arongat thoonk, of cature. The stone ar the Avpa- pine ard hickory predominateu bui inter- lachian cha ai excaeds the custern T fertility. mixed wich lumerag other varieties, winding i-haigh this compensated the amongst these prineval woods. namerous rivers on slon ...