Labels:book | daily | earth | reckoner | sky OCR: Poorr amounted Y200, 399, 962 1n imported American, oteI contricta 18.312.219 total, d 6 U14 foreign vessels The ex 48.077 55 The amount ot'all their pales "the ZAITE t.o 381 .? 1t 11T #!I Repember 1831 as been 37 272 583 of which 612 057 13 domeatic, The amount of saicg gradually 10 the in pur 20 033 1228 foreign articles of the crease in 1831 R3.000,000. sales domestic exports, 1.89 472 vere the pra- ate for cash Sal springs and lead mines are luct Of the 38 34,253,477 of the fore reserred government puu one thirty-sixth $48,201 33 uf agriculture and $7,802 .675 jpart ot al! public lands, tre rcserred and ap mamiacture domentic artictes Ipligd for the perpetual aupport of common 49 .239 were C1K tted in American, 3nri schnols. Three fiiths nt velue of all ealeg l1 in foretgn UF the for- ...