Labels:daily | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: WAR 587 WAR athrdily the Hardinan Ton. 12Pohatcong croek Philipsburgh and purtas There the tOwr Det s, Botirar, Lincoln ma. Pop. 1830. 12. 627 Augana aldo LAAT D- figwing 1930 popd. thi 3.030 pomoio There hy iato George tendemy Stoont in with the Yisato Pop. from brook Esse aeparting Trenton the line from ha. of Dead Morris Midalosct hilly by county riTOF Rocky tn from RIEN Concord and 1 fcom N Hivertiil cor Df BIil! Baapd ridgo Brook ha. iaddas Pon minot 1830 and the 561 rillag -Ar min noat where Baker': which miifs. furaiabos co, houded Tenngo MacKeari Cri* Clemant's T mtn. being mountainott boandary great Dart Pop. Carr 1830 ord ard Drie Cattaraugut t Chatauque form roh, p.t fashington co ms. and 28 fron ares 896 tlel 1797 Barlingtor lies hetween the ranges Moutpelier aet- the ma long f ...