Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: . WAT 591 WAT ATERND p.t. Diford CO. Me.. 57 by p-r. 18 tTIB. Marietta and m frort Aurugta quare with Columbur Popuiation 1830 Cumberiand T and has terali 906. poad. yome of Thich into Crock ked iake Junixt Senect and others into frooked tributary of Se capite the CO. stands fatlof Senec bago pond Pop 1830, 193 Geneva Seneca faflz contains ATERFORD Caledoria CO. th C buildinga, and lerge mils. Montpelier Tewoury witi Connec- D-T the extrene sthwaru. tient river settled 1787 Pas of Mifir *n unpsic and touched br Moose Iarrisburg ote part Fifteen tiler fallin the Conn ERLJO taveru and p-o. Ante Arazdel partly oppoaite this town The meadows of 1 on the mgirr rear from to the net 0reriowa the foods timore from the former pts from fanr rough and stony Pop. 1830, 338 the latter city. ATEAHOID Lo ...