Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STA AND TELRITORIES. ILLINCIS. 4 grapes, especialiy natives of the anit, are remarkably plentiful in most parte the stnte. and Tf fine quality, capsble of yielding excellent wince The fecundity of the land and the ren erors returns +ith which rewards the moderato labors of the husbandman. be inferrod from the fact that 1 almost all parts of the state lverare croroper cre he obtained, f fifty busheis of Indian one inportant stunlos and instances Ae frrquent where the prodluct reaches 1.rt 100 buahels. Hiuers Illinois provided nost boun&ifully by nature with admirablc ficilities for com- nunieation waler not oqur within, but a berond, its mcang 1 numerous intand atreans tending in direction towards, and connecting will, the great western ivers and by its immediate cantact, On the north-east ...