Labels:book | bulletin board | clock | daily | earth | gazette | plant | reckoner | sky | table | tree OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES MANE There are aiso several canals of considerable magnitude connected with the navigation of the Mississippi Other puhlic Works l of the kind including both railronds and canals, are ir contem- plation, R0me which are alrenly it couse ot construction. Mnerak But little attention has been given the mineral of Louisiara Probably no extensive cxplorations have ever been undortaken Few T30 indicatione of coal or other mineral deposits, Jitye vet made their appearance, and whatever tretaures of this kindl may exist bencath the surface still rermain undeveloped Marefadtures These include few cotton factories, producing articles only for lurne consumption several furnaces, forros and tanneries number 01 sugar refineries distilleries, and millis of various aorts Indians. Of ...