Labels:book | daily | poster | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. MASSACHUSETTS. eucceeds admirably, even beyond the expectation of mant wise and good mer And while the ever ring phases of government in those pmvinces of this western continent *hich shook off the yoke Spain, exhibit T instability condition and character that still portends increise of evils, the m&rch our Union tas been onward : and its citizens have exhibited the cheering apectacie nation enjoying the widest desirable ranyo of human liberty regulated and rendered stablc bi law truc, that n foreigner PlHOM appear impracticable to adjust the jarring intereste moltitudo sovereign states composing federal whole. And great difliculty is, in fact occasionally found. Yet it is not insuperahle. mor of necessity fatal This truth results great measure, froru the tharacter, ...