Labels:book | daily | poster | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. MASSACIUBETTS the growing population incrensed the buginoss of the goverrment. But it waa not until near twenty years after the first settlement that deputies were chosen the towns, to forn what DOW termed Honse'of Representatives important alterations were made int this system of government while the old colony Pivmouth retained its separate establishment; that IS. until the union with the government 1 assachusetts Bay, 1692 exeept during the inter- ruptions occasioned by the Governor M INTHROP, on the other hand, hed bee appointed to the direction of the cotony of the and which took more appropriately the nahe Massnchusctts. by the Plymouth Company in England instead Of Governor CRADOCK, who never came orer THOMAS DUp- waa alao appointed deputy gavernor Yct, previ ...