Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES ANT TERRITORIES TLHISEISSIK and the parn States, the courtry lying east of the Mississippi, and went of the boundary Georgis ir 1800 erected into distinct teriitorial government 1 then comprehended both Alabama and Mississippi under the nafne of the latter. 1817 geparation toob place, and Mississippi, having formed conatitution Tts admitted irtto Union inde pendent state. Foundaries and Fatent. This state is bounded north by Tennessee, enst by Alabana nouth q Louisiana pur the Gulf of Mexico and weat Mississippi an Pearl Rivers, aividing frorm Arkangas and Louisiana ext tends from 350 north latitude, and from 10 longitude, and Contains 47,156 AqQAre milea length being zbout 338 mites, and itg breadth averiging 135. Gooernment The governor chosen erery two years by the penple, and is ...