Labels:book | daily | poster | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: 107 UNITED STATES GAZETTEER and more into atate of mutual forbearance, matoal asteem. Thus Bible socictiea, and gocietien for the promotion of temperanco, the aesociations which spring out of the great cuse education, and thoso rhich relate mechanic arts general ecience, AJd nutrl improvemont tp knowledga, especially DY lecturee and the founding and of Brcial Jibraries tend T oceupy healthify the power of the mind and prodnce 11 proinote that corition ni civitization which becomes free vigorous moral ind Christian atate That such advance. are reallv ring evident the observer They have indeed been gradaal but .ctul The colonists were often rlmost dichesrtenod the prospect before them tntl complaired cf the difficulty of procuring subsistence. It remnrked hy Dr Belknap that they too much neg ...