Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: 114 UNITED STATES GAZETTEER and kindred. and tongue the face the globe, are now among the moving masses of thes rn-st atate tte weatert hemisphero. New Yorl cityt the commercial capital e:xcial manqer exhibits oxampie thw artreration sort: and conditions of men, And the interior receiving it: contributions of Bottler: wanderere every quarter of the old world. Among there the most impoverished district of Ireland ard sent perlape ?hr Jargest number representatives. Every other European country has furnished alac suflicicn quota Asin and Africa even, are TM3$ without their delegates sar ire the twa Indies, the foreign provinees both rorth and south the boundarics of the republic. The ena0 with which emigrants may nttain all the privileges citizenship: factlitics poprotfe for trale of every d ...