Labels:bulletin board | clock | daily | earth | gazette | grass | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. PENNSYLVANIA 194 LIREHTYE PENN PENNSYLVANIA. This atate is one ofthe most important memhers of the American Union ts history 1F peculiat, ptrn differs, respects 1ot only in pietar the original gntablish. ment the colony but respect alao to ita early cereer, frorn that of aimost every other StatP the republic. The benerolent ard tolerint character of it grent founder impressed itself trodr his associntes tnd followers and consequence, the wisest and liberal institu- tiahs that could be devised in age when the truc principles of human government were bul obseurely understood were fixed upon in the outaet, wero perseveringly adhcred to, and have ever sinca been chetished, with the happiest results. william Penn and his 2000 comra des tnostly of the persecated Qtta] ker ...