Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. RHODF ISLAND 131 zny twy of whor. quorum. Courts of Pleaa are held by one of the unociate justices of the Supreme The jndgos of theso courts are elerted, like other state offl. cers the Gencral Lembly, but they hold their officer umtil they Are declared ttcant majorny of all the mombers elected in each houre t the May sesSion. nl] the totrna except Providence and Newport. the town courts are officio, of probate and the town clerks reristran of probate and deeds The Municipal Court Providence exercises probate jurie diction The city clerl regiater of deeda The industry and capital of the atate were formerly devoted to agriculture and commerce. The latter the favorite pursuit. lec TreR ter wealth, and involed les personal labor. The peculiar gituation the state, and t ...