Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES YERMONT. 147 intereats, attractive AS it was from its fertility adaptedness to the purposes of agriculture and grazing, could he occupied hs peaceful farners while the surrounding popok were etruggling for maatery Nor did the impediments end even here. The French, 1731 erected fort on the eastern side of Lake Champlain. toward: southern extremity but they demolishcd it and chose poeition the western side where they built the colebrated fortress generally called Crown Point, lthough named bs themaelves Fort St. Frederic. Their object wag facilitato their way the Six Nations, whether for WAJ proselytism, and to their own possessioris the Mississippi beyond them, in order environ ultimately the English colonists and confine them fo the Atlantic coast iake and its commun ...