Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: 156 UNITED STATER GAZETTEEB When that iomentouS event tock the thrnished her full complement of patriots and warriors, participated lergely the toils, confljcta, pirt. eacrifices of the time that tried mer's soula," and it con.atm. tion the hith purposes that struggle, merited and received an zmple Thare glorious fruits. Amang the illustrious namen that adored her timal: this epoch. L may he wafficient point to thase f George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry James Madison John Marahall The of these distin- guighed men pur their compatriot: not only thine prominentiy the records their rerm: Ted and goneratiun but their effhigence Trradiate the natiOn: earth, coustellation of political light, cornnending the honege atery friend rational liberty toming time Gr.t constitution Virgin ...