Labels:reckoner | sky OCR: 162 ILLINA STATES GAYTTRI Misstreippt, with both which T ,T. direet comuuniottion by sreaur. of a eeriea on eithor nide. Mineralt mineril : Wicon in i pocnliarly opalent: The south-western por- tion .bonnd tesd and coppOr orer The lei.d mines particular: noted for being prodnetive the Unitod ates and miny mtllions pound. of thi motel tre tually extrictod the igto proper fopm tod of copper, aho being constantly axhumed to market : and in iron ore the not pro lific. Much intereet. ip the mineral protucta of this state has for B0108 time been manifestod nd tctisely exercised enterprizing :capitaliata tn out neighboring states. Manufadurt t smelting of oresy the siness + matrfacturing, Wisconaln, Yet riderable : the Testext amount of capital inveated 11 any branch public indutry has heen patop ...