Labels:book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | sky OCR: goor water poer and minu facturing estahiishments aura located ou banks Tennessoc on the border the county Charauoue Chatac que eo. N Cheraw TIEEYS the side ot the beeutifal sheet of water Tie: Jengti Grat Pedes F mile from Greenville. t3 Tiles FT width xcept nrar the middle Cherry Creek BHmilac stream wlere contracts fow FPOI Steambont em ptying intO Lake Huron cend oulet from Conewango Creek and Cheory Valter Creek riaes in the thonee Mayville, on the W extremit the Cherr Valley anr] cnera the Snsguehanna late the highest hody Water in the Otscro en on which steaml boat floats being 726 fact aboyo Chest poats Bay Ma. the largest in the Lake Eric, and 1211 feet aboye the Atinntic. ? about 200 imiles long from to priotq Chateaugay Lake: N. is situnted in Beekman- puu genermliy fathauns dee ...