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Tagged Image File Format  |  1997-04-19  |  105KB  |  1672x2572
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OCR: valley of xmei oeed ar 100,000 squaro miles. Com the junction bal pit Sudbury Rivora bining two Yallet! Low and Cirke after passing through h towi o Bedford, Hil Rivera pur mnaurin Fro the Thoat northori leric and Cheltnsford fails iAtO the Merrimac of the Iatter to the southern souree between Lowell aud Tewksbur former tve B.D entire breadth foir the Concordia WAS eridently T former Columbia aiong the eides and times. the bed of the Aissipsippi. and in acnsoni Tnmit. the Chippow van range of sbou of hiph food, the vator from the Missisaippl 1000 from After the confluence fows througt stmall bayou and pusses of thos. streains, the Columbia, which into Bavou Tensas carrie: rolume of water 3500 fect wide Coneah River rises in Pike . 8. and fow! nndi thas yet ts wayerse distance of alont 300 ...