ocr: 194 MOUNTAINS, RIVERS, LAKES, &o, tion, and entere the Wachita ai little above Archi- Fhench Broad River, a head branch of the Ten- delphin. nesses, rises on the N. side of Blue Ridge, Bun- Fourche Dumas, Mo. and As. This stream combe con N. C., and entering Tenneesse through, rises' in Ripley co., Mo., flows S., and enters the a gap in the moantains, unites with Holston Riv- Big Black in Randolph co., Mi. er, 6 miles above Knoxrille, Icis navigable to Fowrtk Lake, Dane co, Wn. Situated near the Dandridge for boats of 15 tons. Thel Nolachucky centre of the county, forming the N. boundary River ...