Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: direction aud emptios into Humbaldt . te of fest milce extent, into the Georgian BAY fambald Pive Mountains, Uh. the bay or lake, might be #eparately interior ot stato run nearl regaried, lie: nearly in the form DF an ellipsa, mre Creet Ballard Hows connecbed with the body of Lake Haron, and and oTiptic into the Ohio. witt Mazi itot Bay + extremity gue Rioer and Pond Me. Are cituat 40 long miles ide haring at 1 ard Penobscot countics The about 7000 square miles Manitop Bay branch Aroostool Itirer hich 1 that section the lake lying directty tanewr'+ MT he great chain f ialnruls, in lenrth from inlet fron Chesapeake Bay 80 miles, with An averaga hrealth of Htngy Bay Jeffars CO. larte irer .bout 1600 square mmiles. pane to water in the part of Lake Ontario. Takon in its whole extent including ...