Labels:book | cabinet | daily | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: mei fect more making to*al dascent the To important rht enterprise andertak en inter by into 260 the feet It then the ruthe! Cat.l kill through * dark rivine the nal Jamer improvement River Naviratlon Compauy firit char Morotains, See Catstill Mosntains tered in 1841 on the line of the James and Kan Katay Ritxr Thi tiver riges in two hawa Rivers, and the intervoning 'pace with orks from the Rum Riter, Hows to connect the commerce their of outlay the Ohio has .ith for home distavce and then tariing to the the Atlantic portion of emptie. into the Mississippi. expeuded rodu Karhav but the principal Lake Y Situated frow par upon the more eartern secHions route ohl and connected through Pine River tnore remaiue he dore complete with the Mississippi. all the improvement projeotad Aagiu Lake Poin ...