Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: Rirm large formed b tvo mair branches Tuscarswes berntifuE islands, the prineipal of which are Con White oman River thich anite at Coaboc nan ieut Prudence. Patiener, RE Block BUOR and well Hope pro toa The Medina O. ad This F accessible porta between then gare name t Portage tovn tectei by* forts, and affords gome the bert and county The M Ikingum navigable harbors in the world. large biteanx Coshocton; 100 Tilel canal Nartaguapus Rirer and Bay Washington wit: and tock. affording water Me The ri ter ha its Boarce ponds in power constructed around the ZAneg. Beddington, fiowirg direction. ville There slack wate navigation from enters Nartagua Bay hetwee Harrington pur long Zanesville connects Dresden Muskingun where Biver channel with the miles Ohio and Steuben communicates The N bay ot Th ...