Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: man anglet, for ploriani conery. and mest River rise. Madiaon N the chain aupplying the :T. through Chenango anid sopnitf n EOT. of Narth Rx Rirer. enter Tohrhniog! River in Broome Thia Otoney .It rises iT several small TYOL good water porer sbounds fows and empties into the Mis. Asgippi iittle below Petorah Kiver rises Herttmer Bay part Saginaw Bay lows enters Mohay Nout bordering tto Tosco Arenas coUnfica gonfer Overslaugh siwat*d in the Hudson T [callet also Rirer milet below the city 'of Albany .and it Sherburne formerly consistod succession of hars of of Bridgewater thence ft through. which there .were chaanels into the Bert ot affording but spall depth of ter :: tide herce through the N I. 100 Thi chstruction howerer, hae bocn mostly re into Connecticut River abont mroved bi the: 1 g ...