Labels:book | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: Patarrar River forms thas boundary of Mary Lake Champlain: md whol COorS dividtng from Pouder .On: riges among the Blue Mta. itrises two imain branches the anl fows into the Lowia Fork of Columbia Allerhrn catled the hianch Bid he River. branch Andalso rcceites ntme erous other trenn Powell's Point, .Carritack point from the elevated reginins which AYA amopg Of Iand projecting into Alhemarlo Sound beween mors distant The course of the two Currituck Sound on the T. North River mixin branches N firt untit the branch the pisnses Caml berland, where infiected to the 5 Povrel's River hes ita source Powel's and brea ks through saveral ridges of elerated Mt. end into .Te: uniteg with Clinch inrida inta the valley of the branch; and forms River, 38 F of Knozvillc lt bonta- junction with The istter ...