Labels:book | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: of Morris co unti tJ entrunco into the Atlantic has of 600 feet abore its basc, a|1 ahout through Tyhee Soand 32 lat The largcat 1100 fect aboro the level of tha oCean. min- yoasols ascend Fiy Fathom Hole 1 milea eral spring nCr its tou Fas rendered it quite cele- fro the and milcs below Savanneh braied An turnpike leading from Now Larye brige come to the Sayannah, York to Easton crosses Steamhoat: aicend Augusta S40 miles from Schroon Loke in and qirotft aud pole boats go 150 miles farler couniles miles long. WOI to wide The tide How 25 miles up the river and abounds with fish Deer and other Sarkll Creek Dutchoss N. rhes in tht game are found in the farests On its borders towh River it of the Milani' towr of fdwe W Redhook snd enters Hudson Essex Schroont co. River flows and This unites S ...