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Tagged Image File Format  |  1997-04-19  |  98KB  |  1688x2577
Labels: book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane
OCR: tous contain ino mine into the River Shebogan River rises Lake Winne- Shrernsbury River Shrewaburt .town Monnonth bagro du Co. and passing through cO continuation of Sandy Hock Bay, amali procecds inke br the winding N. w F part coursoto of "Shoboygan hfichigan .0 and Hows about averages miles ahout partly mile and through half satt marsh, width. lermo. Sheepscos Waldo River CO. flow' Me, rista about in 5 the .mlles town It Or .7 milas reoeivos long Shrowsbury Rivor proper, stream dirnction, and faits into "Shenpscot Bay This with Sle which IF No. connected He: N. from Gayashk Lake river navigable, nd attords valuablo mill priy ieges The tile meeta it between .Wisceasot and Sideling Craek, M4. smell of the Nowcastle Totomac, naning On the side Sideling Mt Sheepecol Bay Me. extenda inland a ...