Labels:book | cabinet | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: pert Vt. and taking courso unites with co. to the bonndnry of Arkansns, after crossing the jnttenkill. aahington to. which it bends towards the River. the After point Big Eaxex Whitefuce Mauntain It ix lies in the picturesque part of its cou fluence with White tribats tries enter co surrouude by R[ack thiree lessor its mouth seener Piacid Lake and sevenal otler the White River ip Arkansas. "Nenr smaller of sheets wate Lying &t its base on the the river divides into two parts, the clevated 4855 feet aoove the Atlantic which diverges, and furns connection with the the William HenT! Fort Sco Caldwell Arkansas the ather pur sues courso to White Point Chippewa CO. Mn separatey Miss issippi The entiro miles, mcagared COUTSB through of Tahquamenaw BAy from Lake Superor an re- White Riveris about ...