Labels:book | cabinet | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: consideratle intervate tend tween that riser and the Amite. the remarl kahle gulf anrt precip bice are within it. Iand ascending the which limits. broci OYeT the precipice and elevated ahove inundation ala 200 within thic distanco of 100 Baton Ronege est Parish at West Ifere ars punor severnl exrn iong in soljl Batou Rouge. On the W. bank tho Missia stone, Iarpe enougl to conttin many stppi, between river and the Atchafalaya miles from imherst 21 fom Q Bavou Surface Ievel 30i1 ery fertile on the The Nashua and Concord Hnilvnd 5 on border streams the romainder Jiable the opposji te side of the Merr Imac Battte innntion Creek Mn. Calhoun Situated the shire Bestforxt, N with White Plains, Yestchester which liez 15 mile* HaK Touth of Battle Crock which poscsscs great 1 W ntered Croton River ot ...