Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: Faras villago in the part OF alYantages for the town ot Beverly Egsex co, brsiness No place in the state perhaps. Henerty Ms co United to Sajem preront excced this in rapid and permaneni in- bridgo aCrOsS the North River, 150 feet groirth And it muat tecomo inrportnt length. has plensant villaga at the K pari Tich jand town. agricutural Binghamptou trazing ountry surrounded w!ich by here of he town. The much Associnted ita abendan products. with that of Satem. in The commerce peopla and are the noted fisheries or finds There 18 likewise market For Extengive waber power on their enterprise From the elevated grounds + thie towu munh the Chenango which empioyed for manufac- aelightfui scanery 18 presented. part of the faring and me chanical purposes, Stcan. al0, hearihfal Wenhar Pond lie: wit ...