Labels:book | cabinet | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: chasa of ahout 450 Yolumes and from 800 to Athenaum VD the lower floor D01 pamphlets which onCe formed part pt te .The Mechanics Apprentices Library Agsocla library OF Washington This important nbot tion in Boston claims the distinction of boing aition secured to the Athenam through the tha tirat it kind established in he WOTEl liberalits of aboni 100 gentlemen of Baston, Sa 51 due to the wise suggestion and plilanthropic tem and Cambridg There are RlsD panaunon cnergy Mr Yilliam now resirling with the Athenum fine sculptare gallery Cunandaigua, whoee oxertions have leon agallery of psintings he latter to aeon extended with the liLe SUCCOES, mokt af our Felshnzzart Feast the great historiral pickire of large cities, and even to the "eities of the old Washington Ailston. whicli, ulthough LE ...