Labels:book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | sky OCR: connectedl withi tho It contais niner the town alogical 4l grologichi cubinet and fine collec half of thomsclres and their all the tands the n ths tion Of curiositien of miseeliancons charector. holders and fnhabitants, for The gnveniment had constructed dry dock hert town qou trken in severalty." This patent sinilar to that the United Statos "Navy Yard Was canfirmed by Goremor Dongen iT 1 Charlestown, On the opposite side OF the 1670, license TA: given by Governor Joct allabout ahout half tmile F. of the Navi the inhabitauts to purchase tue Indinu tha Marine Hospital, sitatod upon With Brooktyn and it: immediato ncighlorht clevation, ard surtounded shon connected the neor of the battle of 30 acres of land under high cultivation. this August 27 776 which the Americans WeT. bat are alwnys o ...