Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: Sentenher contains about college and Mount Aaburt. Our amirod toet 1 03) Ennri. tovered witl natural owth Longfelioi the present dispays good o1 trecs tho higheat port which 125 feet taste by preterving ag ncarly as possibla the the river, Hnid Dit with wiading gravelled original externai aPyeAranCo i.ho fauac. The valks, nnd em icllishod overy variety Washington the westerly siilo of Chm- shra, POWeT Numerous monuments bridye Comtmou, :1 obact juperest costiy material put cxquisitc wor manship under it: branches Washingron WAS stntioned Apualpr erecteal, ronstirating this magnificent while hs commission proclairmel th iron resting-place fones of with the an dend imposing yranita surrounded gatewny OT arm Cam hon twenty and hero thousand ho drew men DOAS that drawn of sword the en on angel ...