Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: socintion, thia, which hrts isar hands Approntices lone collection Library of log Tront cabir Street 6104 built Jittle eaot spot of Main which Street no. bok science every approprinto denartment the objocts of of litorature .uch puu n tovD Jaunary, Which 1789 Yas they then proceedel "ti to lay off denan their for- stiention. minor: brought up iaboriona the lower bottom bearing huge "ycamoro freo craptoyneuts to this have library, weetly from certhin which In 1831 regulations, Col- 500 and onk marked suTar The upn maple sireets the trees treeg were and To the thetr and upper the projectert betch cornert clty volumes ara draw nat abject toge nnd the the Teacher elevation advancernent the establised of qualifications the haring intorests Of for teach of its was they afterwards gave the chauge ...