Labels:book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: on Foodl ibridge tral part Street betteen this and Jofferzou Arenus. On Wut Onondaga Tha surhc! Jeffereon Avenze ar located the principal dry this town rather uneven, and there roods ani fincy stores rith the pablic and pri caverh withir limits which has been explore vate oces "This an elegant stroet fOr the diatance 100 rods this ance cotrpactiy built, and impsing appcar tre exported immense in large quarries qrantitins. of water lime miies which fror Among the pablic halldings reser ving pAr Sytacuse and 45 W frora Aihany ticular noticn, is the building lately oecnpied De Witt County central buth sidles the state hoase built of brick, hering hand of the the The once some entira riew Ionic extensive city porticn, the and the strait and top beautiful of abore dome this ind 14D embrueing bu ...