Labels:book | cabinet | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: The re sile growth of trees Masromy River maining the gurfsce Accessihle puv not empt: iuto 1:j pond On he tank ery mostty timhered with hara Shakers' scttlemen Copper and other yniua wood and the of middling quality {u minernIs are found here Monntain Pond, part of the water's this toyrahip ot nt oit the aumtnit of Moutca TT is 2 NMIS long the Rirer Lamoille, and part into inoosk an 100 wile. First sottlers lathaniel 13ickneli, Moud's Pond 1tc: in the north-western Jonatlian Iiwlleford, pux Eiisha Binglam. part, anrl COVeIs atut 300 There art nitos trom nrtunouth Cotlege other onds within the towuship fram Iron ore found ahnndan The settlenent Enficte Tompkins The surface of was com menced July 1790 3 miles from this town undulatint and watcrei hy few ap and frem Montnclier small streams ...